Monday, November 17, 2008


Dear Friend,

I have been having a pretty tough time with school recently. I have been swamped with school work and I can't seem to get it all done. Too many test and presentations and projects due now. Plus I need to be studying for finals that I'm not ready for at all. But luckily whenever I am in these types of situations, I look ahead and think of how great life will be after I get all this done. I start counting down the days till break which tends to help me get there. I take a little time to think about what I am going to do with all my free time and how awesome it will be to hang out with friends and take it easy, at least for a while.

I was thinking about how when my Granddad died a couple of years ago and how my mom and I really started to bond. We just sat and talked for hours and hours. I learned so much about my mom, stuff that I would have never, ever, ever guessed. Like I had no clue that my mom was married two times before she married my dad. I had never thought of that even being possible. My parents have been married for twenty years!! I just wanted to share that with you because it popped into my head today while writing for English.

I was also thinking about how a couple of years back this video game came out and I wouldn't want to admit that I was addicted to a stupid video game, but I was. I played it for hours and hours. There would be days where I would come home and just play for an hour or two after school, and waste my entire weekends playing. I had a profile that had a total of 170+ hours spent playing in the game. Ridiculous!!!! I will never let that happen again, because looking back at it, it was one of the most unproductive time in my entire life. So lesson to be learned don't get addicted to something, especially something that stupid.

Last year I was addicted to weight lifting, my friends and I would lift for 2 hours a day 5 days a week. That was the minimum, sometimes we would get together on the weekend and go running or hit a different gym. This time at least my addiction was helping my body and preparing me for my career in the Marines. OORAH!!!!!



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